Unalakleet River |
How's your summer going? Ours has been up until this point far beyond excellent. I think that's in part to the fact that anything we got to this summer was going to be an improvement to what we didn't get to do last summer. We said goodbye to our students and school faculty in late May and began preparing for the massive rotating group of awesome volunteers that have been cycling through. I was able to be the camp speaker for a week at the Unalakleet Covenant Bible Camp and met some amazing staff who will be serving there all summer.
We have also been moving forward on many of the church projects that were undone from last year. We have two teams currently committed to come and serve, but would gladly take additional help. The mission house next to the church will be the primary project, followed by a boiler installation, new windows for the church, a wood shed, and a splattering of other small projects. If you or your church are interested in helping with these, please let me know.
This past week I had the opportunity to help a family at church logging upriver. I took the boys with me and we had a great time camping and helping with the whole process. The family will be milling the lumber to build a garage.
Finally we have been doing our "Summer Bucket List" as a family too. Above pictured we took a family canoe trip and even got a muskrat. The boys and I made several beaver hunting trips and currently have 21 pelts in the freezer. They'll be on the market around October if you're interested.
The Bible Church is experiencing our normal summer slump in regular attendees, but thanks to the volunteers we have a pretty packed house. We are going through the Book of Hebrews and I'd invite you to join alone with the sermons weekly.
Things you can be praying for:
- safety for volunteers.
- provision for volunteers to work on church projects.
- wisdom and continued favor as we seek to plant churches outside Galena.
- boarding school students who are having a challenging Summer