Saturday, March 30, 2019

The "Thaw Out" Tour Part 5

First Baptist Church of Lack Jackson TX holds the current record for the most mission teams sent to Galena. To date they have sent 9 teams to the Great Land. The Chamblees were gracious hosts for us for four days, and hosted 2 dinner parties for us to meet with folks from FBCLJ who have been to Galena on mission trips. 

Sunday was an incredibly busy day. It started with Chris teaching the young adults Sunday School class, immediately followed by the morning church service in which Chris Preached from Romans 15. 

After church we had a staff lunch with staff from the church, and then attended a Sunday night small group. It was great to see friends and reconnect with volunteers!

We went from Lake Jackson to Katy TX and spent a couple of days there with Shell's parents and Grandparents. On Wednesday of that week the whole family had been asked to share at a Christian Elementary School's chapel service. Since it was for K-5th grade students we decided that it would be much more memorable if the students heard from our kids. So Shell and Chris interviewed Preston, Clint, and Cara on "A day in the life of a missionary kid." The kids did great, and the students asked some great questions. 

This was a little video we put together to show at the beginning of our talk with the kids. 

From Katy we drove to Pineville Louisiana, where we shared at two campuses of The Gathering Place Church. We have not been with this church in 6 years and it was far past time to reconnect with these brothers and sisters. 

After this, we began a week long marathon of a different camping spot every night. Monday in Monroe, LA, Tuesday in Minden, LA, Wednesday in Longview, TX. Each of these stops afforded us the opportunity to visit with longtime friends and supporters. We then started our northern progression Thursday in Maumelle Park, Little Rock, AR, and Friday in Springfield MO. 

Jonny Pye was in Chris' first youth group when Chris just started in ministry 19 years ago. 

Wade and Regina Butcher, came to Galena to help after the 2013 flood.

Lunch in the Camper

 We're now staying with new friends in Springfield MO. Josh Metsker has been to Galena twice on trips as their church seeks to engage in rural Alaskan missions.

To date we've traveled just under 5700 miles, are about to have our second oil change, and just put two new tires on the camper. We are so grateful for God's faithfulness in our protection along the way.
Pray for us as we speak at One Community Church and Second Baptist Springfield and then begin traveling to Denver, CO.

Friday, March 15, 2019

The "Thaw Out" Tour Part 4

The Kopp family had our first family vacation that didn't involve extended family...ever! We spent a restful five days together as a family in between speaking engagements.

Departing from Florida we went back to Mississippi to get our camper, and hurried to Lafayette Louisiana where members of our former church were hosting a crawfish boil for us. Not only were we incredibly blessed to see so many, but we were also grateful for their generous giving. It's an incredible thing to be separated from church family for nearly a decade and it was as if time had never passed. Makes us long for heaven even more.

Chris traveled to Ville Platte, Louisiana that Saturday night after the crawfish boil so that Daylight Savings would have less affect on his preaching the 8am and 10am services at FBC Ville Platte. Shell and the kids joined him for the 10 am service. Pastor Kevin West, who has pastored there 20+ years, was a seminary student with Chris. Ville Platte has supported us since we moved to Galena and has even sent some folks up to visit Galena.

This past week we have visited with Chris' parents, Shell's brother, and local ministry supporters and friends in and around Lafayette, Louisiana. On Thursday Chris spoke with the young 20somethings group of FBC Broussard. Chris did Bible study in the small building where he and Shell met over 21 years ago, and taught on the subject of Biblical neediness from Luke 7.
 Shell"s brother Jon
First Baptist Church of Broussard's youth center. This is the place were Chris and Shell met 21 years ago.

So far we have traveled just over 4000 miles.
Pray for us as we share with First Baptist Church of Lake Jackson Tx. FBCLJ has sent 9 mission teams to Galena since July of 2013. We're thankful for their ministry partnership.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Thaw Out Tour Part 3

We had a fun time visiting Chris' parents and Shell's brother,Jon, in Lafayette, La.

First Baptist Pine Prairie Louisiana is proof that the church in rural America isn't dead. We were so blessed to reconnect with the pastor and his wife who have both been to Galena. Unfortunately we did not remember to get pictures at this church.

While we were in Lafayette, we spent a few days camping with Chris' parents and his aunt and uncle brought their camper out as well.  The kids were also glad to play with second cousins!

We've been getting very settled in the camper and its a really good fit for us.

From Louisiana, we traveled to Lucedale, MS. God's providence was evident to us through a flat tire.
Our truck indicated that we had a low tire and it was getting lower by the second. Since we were pulling the camper behind us Chris needed to quickly look for a suitable place for us to pull off the highway. We saw a gas station and pulled in. When we got out of the truck we could hear air escaping the tire. We saw a large screw embedded in the tire. It was only then that we realized that we had stopped right next to a Napa Auto Parts store...that just happened to have a tire repair kit on clearance...and a trucker who pulled up next to us and offered to let us use his air compressor to air up the tire. From warning alarm on the truck to pulling out of the gas station with a repaired tire...LESS than 30 minutes. God's timing was Perfect.

We then made it to Lucedale to visit Jennifer, Kegan, Bri, and Kara Wager. It was wonderful to reconnect after many years apart. The Wagers discipled us when we were teens.

While in Lucedale, we connected with a couple of Jennifer's friends, and Chris was able to share at a ministry lunch at the local community college.

Bri Wager was able to drive home from college one night during our stay and we were happy to get to spend a little time with her. The girls enjoyed getting their nails done by her.

Kegan, entertaining Evelyn. 

Kara Wager and Cara Kopp

Following our Lucedale visit, we headed to Jackson MS to spend a little time with Chris and Brandy Courtney and their kiddos.  The Courtneys have been dear friends for over 12 years and have been ministry supporters since we moved to Galena.

Our next stop in Mississippi was Meridian where Chris was able to share with Fellowship Baptist Church.  Chris met the pastor, Corey Fontan during his time in seminary.

To date we have driven over 2800 miles across four states. 
We have raised 32% of our goal. 

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Next Stop Ville Platte Louisiana.