Gassing up for my morning commute to Church. |
A good Sunday morning service. |
What a busy, but great month it's been. The first weekend of this month, Galena YoungLife hosted an After-Prom that had a 95% participation from students from both the city school and boarding School. We hosted some of the out of town participants at our home and members from our church helped chaperone the event, and made breakfast for all the kids.
At the same time that was happening, retired Lt Colonel Kent Wong came on a vision trip for a week to learn how to support bush missions. One of the highlights of his trip was to get to go to Huslia with Don and Brenda Ernst. Don pastors the Huslia Community Church and they have been in Huslia for 23 years.
Lt Col. (ret) Kent Wong and I on our way to Huslia. |
Pastor Don Ernst calling in our ride on his Satellite phone. |
Our Taxi arrived |
Our Sister Church in Huslia. Huslia Community Church. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
We were able to attend their church service (which they do on Sunday
evenings). And get a tour of Huslia. Don shared about how they've become
a part of the community, and his vision to see missionaries in the
other villages of the Koyukuk River system. They're church of 35 is
busting at the seams and they will be adding onto the log church
building this Summer.
No joke...this was missionaries Don and Brenda Ernst's first house in Huslia. They used to get a sheet of ice build up inside the house during the winter. |
Chris "shopping" at the "mini-mall" (next to the city dumpster, not to be confused with the "mall" which is the city dump.) |
Mother's Day Sunday was our last Sunday with the students before they left. We spent about a third of the service praying for the students. Many are returning to places where there is no Gospel witness. Our charge to them was that they would be so empowered by the Holy Spirit that they would begin to lead Bible studies and share their faith in their own communities. This past Friday was graduation and Saturday was the mad rush of planes
flying the 160 dorm students back to all corners of Alaska.
As of right now, the Yukon river has not broken up. If the river does not break before May 26th, it will be the latest break-up since records have been kept (100 years). This is delaying our drift wood harvest which we need to get for the boiler that we will be installing in the church this Summer.
Things you can be praying for:
- Pray for the Students that Galena Bible Church has invested in over the last year. Pray that young believers would be protected from the temptations and dangers that exist for many of them.
- Pray that the river breakup would be uneventful. Pray for the Village of Eagle that flooded late last week.
- Pray for Brad and Madeline Fox (SEND Missionaries) who will be returning to Galena at the beginning of June from a home service.
- Pray for Martin and Silke Hornfischer (SEND Missionaries) as they travel to Germany for the summer months and work through their Visa renewal. Pray that they'll be able to smoothly transition back to Galena from their home service.
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