The heavens declare the Glory of God... |
When it comes to ministry the old clique is still true overall: "It's a marathon, not a sprint." But there are times in the marathon that you had better sprint. I know that's really bad runners logic, but in ministry it's absolutely essential. The cost of not accomplishing the tasks and goals that we work on are too high. Lives are literally at stake. Obviously we seek to never get ahead of the Holy Spirit in His work of drawing men and women to Jesus, but we also do not stand idly by and wait for something to happen. That's not what Jesus told us to do. (Matthew 28:19-20) Day after day I read the news around Alaska and hear of another suicide, another murder, another "accidental death", another rape, another teen pregnancy, and on and on the heartbreak continues. Student after student pours their heart out to me, their YoungLife leader, their coach, their teacher of the heartbreak of their world. Meanwhile 80% of villages continue to exist with no Gospel influence or witness at all.
It's time to sprint.
Recently I was talking to a native leader from a village we pray for regularly. They shared with me that in the last 7 months there have been 7 forcible rapes, no arrests, and no convictions. They were either too drunk or too beat up to remember who did it. One young man I mentor has lost two family members in the past three weeks. Another lady I was talking with was preparing to attend or assist 4 funerals in 5 days. During the first 7 weeks of school this year there was not a single day that some student did not experience loss from their home village.
It's time to sprint.
We have a calling to bring the Gospel to the world. That's you included. And God ordained that He would use His church to accomplish that task. Are you burdened with the world around you? Does your neighbor who doesn't know Jesus and doesn't love and cherish Him break your heart? Do you long for there to be strong healthy vibrant Gospel centered churches in every place where there isn't one?
It's time to sprint.
I'm praying diligently that the Lord would raise up laborers for the fields of Alaska. They're cold, hard, and isolated fields, but they belong to the Lord. He has a harvest of men and women who desire to break the bondage of sin and death and walk in Christ. But how will they hear unless someone tells them? How will they grow without believers walking with them. No less than an awakening is what we are pleading God for.
It's time to sprint.
Things you can be praying for:
- State YoungLife gathering happening in Galena next week. Pray that God would use youth ministry as an avenue to plant gospel centered churches in every community in Alaska.
- Casey family (SEND North Missionaries partnering with Galena Bible Church) as we continue to look down river for open doors for ministry and church planting.
- An awakening of hearts toward the message of the Gospel.
- Galena Bible Church as we go through a teaching on Doctrine. Pray that the messages would be solidified in the minds of students so that they can walk in the truth.
Baptizing a young brother in Christ! |
How my wife dresses up for a date! (Snogo date that is) |
One of our students leading worship for GBC. Uber-proud of this brother. |
That's Chris on top the ladder trying to fight the fire at the school dining hall. |
Volunteer fire department! (Me and my brother Jason) |
Well at least it's gonna be sunny. |