Luke 24:25-26 And he said to them, "O foolish ones, and slow of heart
to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that
the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?"
There are two predominant lies that our culture
teaches today. The first is that you are the star in your own story.
This is a man-centric view of our existence. The second lie is that your
story has no eternal significance. This could be called a
matter-centric view of our existence where the only thing that has
significance is matter itself, and not what happens with that matter.
These are polar opposites, and pull at our affections, purpose, and
values. Yet the Gospel intersects our story in such a way as to answer
the problems with both of these lies. It's that our story is not THE
Story: The story of God. And the incredible claim of the Gospel, is that
God invites us into His story. This sermon is a narrative teaching on
the Doctrine of man, and the Doctrine of Sin.
Delivered by pastor Chris Kopp, Sunday March 1st 2015 at the Galena Bible Church.
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