Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Part 2 of the "Thaw Out" Tour

We had a wonderful time visiting Shell's parents in Katy, Tx. The camper we purchased need some repairs and Chris was able to fix a list of items. The kids got to spend the weekend in Katy while we traveled to speak at Stevendale Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, LA.

We've known Kegan Wager since he was very young.  So good to see the man he has grown up to be!

Hardie and Melissa Midkiff serve at Stevendale Baptist Church.  We enjoyed getting to know them better after many years of connection without a face to face meeting.

We also connected with the pastor of First Baptist Beaumont and they will be prayerfully considering supporting us starting their next budget cycle. This week we are in Lafayette, Louisiana.  We are grateful the Lord has graciously given us safe travels.  For those that are curious, we are up to a total of 3,500 miles traveled by air and 1,250 miles traveled by road.

This past Sunday Chris preached at First Baptist Milton.  We were also very happy to see many church family friends from our time pastoring in Lafayette.  It was a blessing to be reminded that church is not about the building, but about God's children and the relationship we all share.

Through our meetings so far, we have raised 15% of our target goal.

Please continue to pray for good health, safe travels, and that the Lord would be glorified as we share the calling He has placed on our lives to share the gospel.  We share next at Pine Prairie Baptist Church (2/24).

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